It is inconceivable in my mind, to "be cornered" unless you work in a office with 300+ lbs behemoths. If you weigh 105 lbs you need to break the strings of being a Mama's boy. Our office environment is no different than a construction site. Yes, we have the oversight of cameras, but the rule of the pool is to circle the weakest pray. We have been told to tone it down, but it eventually gets back to the same level of harassment. Their are 27 people in my office with 500+ years of experience, the majority working together for 15+ years. And we all consider ourselves co-workers and at best acquaintances but by no means are we friends outside the office. When someone leaves they are not missed as an integral part of the "team".

The women dish it out at times worse than the men. It is a known fact that women can out rank a trucker when it comes to talking dirty and slinging the filth. But in my office any sign of weakness causes the sharks to circle even before blood is in the water. If you can't deal with the dialogue, than IPod yourself until you are content.

I will share a bit of wisdom with you, "All Men Suck" and women are salivating at every chance to smash it up in any way they can find. Also getting in touch with your feminine side can give you some perspective to "deal" with the isolation. You sound and need to take laxatives or you are going to burst at the seams. Don't get me wrong, I would sympathize with your plight if you had an ounce of fight in you. But short of locking the bathroom door and sticking the key down their bosom, I can't justify submissively being cornered.