So one of my biggest fears since ever, is waking up face to face with something disturbing, like, oh I dunno...A huge fucking spider. Well, today I roll over and open up one eye to see, low and behold, a big black widow spider was sharing my pillow (not a GIANT spider, but probably as thick as my thumb) and was chilling not three inches from my face.

Now, having gone over this scenario in my head many a time, I was figuring this is the time I'd shriek like a little girl, dash out of my bedroom and consider everything inside the spider's property from there on out. Instead, I calmly got up, went over to my bookshelf and grabbed the dictionary, and then brought hardback justice down upon the offender (is it just me or do black widows crunch more then other spiders?)

Anyway, once the venomous thing was a stain on the face of the dictionary, I toss the book and the pillow over to the side of the room and then settle back down into bed and catch a few hours sleep. So yes, I am proud of me because I faced a grand fear of mine and came out the better man for it...and killed one of the most sinister things God has ever created in the process.