Breathing Room:

The Game (Which you just lost, Btw..). Rules. Death. Murder. Murder?

That pretty much sums Breathing Room. This random girl gets thrown into this room with like 8 other people who are all wearing jumpsuits. She is then asked to change immediately and is told to make sure to follow the rules. The camera pans to one of the rules on the wall that says "Keep your hands Clean" It is stressed that those who break the rules. Die. Every 'contestant' is wearing a crappy metal collar that will shock and kill you on remote command. They are always being watched.

The movie just follows through the game until just one contestant survives..

Movies it reminds me of:
Battle Royale (Book and Movie) and Saw
(I'm sure you could find even more movies that they ripped off)

Music: Its actually pretty damn suspenseful if you just listen to it.

Sex: Yeah.. none

8. To be honest, it was REALLY REALLY low budget, but the story and the final outcome is awesome.

Not as campy as Trailer Park (This movie actually TRIES to be serious...) but still good.