Quote Originally Posted by ShitFace View Post
so basically it looks amazing but the film in general isn't actually that good?
No. The movie unravels well up until in anticipation of the clashing of the forces between the natives and the humans. Everything really ramps up.

While the visuals are extraordinary, everything else is very good. Stereotypical marine colonel doing his gung-ho thing waiting to slaughter those weird looking smurfcat people that those brainy science pukes call Na'Vi. He abides his time while working with the stereotypical company executive who wants to obtain the highly valuable unobtainium(yes, that is what causes this whole buttfuck calamity, unobtainium), but the company guy has to worry about public relations and their limited resources considering that they are nearly four light years away from Earth. OH, did I mention that the biggest pile of unobtainium is underneath a tree as big as Mt. Everest where the Na'Vi live? FUCK. But you know what? These guys are the bad guys and they don't need some sophisticated back-story to why they want to kill the mother-fucking forest and every living thing so they can sell rocks for cash. They just want money, and honestly, I don't think anything more needed to be done with them or could be done to greatly improve the movie.

To be honest, they aren't really evil at all. They're just lost space wayfarers who believe money is power and power is happiness and happiness can bring a long and peaceful life, but these strange savages who love these alien animals and plants that keep killing us so much are in our way. So we got to put a stop to this and get this job over with. Its not like any person, business, or government is like that or ever has been like that ever in the history of human kind. Its all just fantasy and some Freudien psychology thing going on here and it's very entertaining.

As for the good guys, I don't know how anyone could say they are not engaging characters. I could be wrong, but I think anyone who says these characters are shallow are just regurgitating bullshit from their favorite online christian review site(http://www.movieguide.org/box-office/7/10075/avatar), but if someone can explain as to why they are shallow I would be delighted to read.

The plot is simple and formulaic, but is told well and the action great combined with the most beautiful visuals you've seen in any movie that its lameness has no overbearing effect(reiterate: unobtainium). As for the narrative, there is much that happens and you really just don't know what to expect up until when trouble brews and then you realize most of the movie was like a big introduction to getting to know and feel for the characters and one long teaser that poked the reptilian part of your brain giving you urges to secretly pet your erection through the thin lining of your pocket to giant scantily-clad smurfcat women(READ: possible pro-furry propaganda).

This movie was what Star Wars 1 - 3 should have been. You should watch this movie, and if you can, watch it in 3D.