Wait, how can Yoda be wise without the Force? What are you even basing that assumption off of? All those times Yoda was stripped of the force and was totally wise? I'll give you Gandalf. He seems absolutely level-headed, but once again, what are you basing his wisdom off of? You never see him without his wizardry. Each character plays by the rules that were created specifically for their universes. The Na'vi are no different.

I'd argue the fact that they aren't wise is more based off the fact that nothing they do shows wisdom. They have confirmed that their God is real, therefore, their worship comes from fact, not faith, and their 'wisdom' is handed down from a higher being. All they're doing is following orders.

I still liked them, but if every time I stepped outside my hair tangled with the trees and God went, "Hey, by the way, I'm real, and all your friends are in heaven with me," it would not make me wise to believe in God. It would, however, make me quite stupid not to.