Quote Originally Posted by Redflad View Post
Umm which of them are the best 2? :P
But I was wondering how do you weight them? Leg weights I've seen aren't heavy enough for me.. Crunches with a dumbbell on your chest?
Do both. The crunches work your upper abs, leg raises work you lower ones. The leg weights are heavy enough, trust me you'll feel it once you use them it doesn't take much.
Anyway leg weights are for leg raises, for crunches just hold a medicine ball on your chest for weight. What I like to do is hold the medicine ball in front of my chest, come up and bring my legs up and put it between my legs, go back down and straighten my legs then come back up and take the ball and repeat. Make sure you always keep your legs at least 6 inches off the ground and you should feel it.
As for reps, keep doing them until you feel your abs burning. Remember the number you did, and do 3 sets of that.