Quote Originally Posted by Sion View Post
before i get crucified for saying this, let me just say that Halo has AMAZING potential to be a fucking epic movie if done the right way.
It's just such a good excuse for an epic story and tons and tons of ultraviolence and gore with a PG-13 rating.
With the CG at the level it is, can anyone say that a Halo movie would be anything less then phenomenal?
Yes, everyone can because, let's face it, it would suck.

Unless you literally just want your movies to have lot's of guns and nice shiny explosions in which case you shouldn't be allowed to use the word phenomenal in regards to cinema.

On a serious note, someone could make a decent job out of a Grand Theft Auto film if it was done as a gritty, serious, semi-arthouse film about life on the streets.