So everyone has games that they hate and for different reasons. What games do you hate and why? Granted that obviously everything here will simply be opinions, but hey opinions have to be based on something right?

I personally dislike a few:

Halo - People are/were just WAY too obsessed with Halo (it HAS died down recently, but the initial Halo-Bang pissed the living fuck out of me). It's an FPS of pure mediocrity, I can find much better (much worse too, though) FPS's than Halo. I guess I was just sick of hearing people say how awesome it was almost every day.

Elder Scrolls/Oblivion - Same as Halo...people were so obsessive about a game that was mediocre at best, it was simply annoying to constantly hear about how "awesome" a mediocre game is. I pretty much dislike this game for the same reason's I liked Halo. The game wasn't bad, but hearing about a game day in and day out when it's not THAT GREAT of a game can get tiresome.

MOST Call of Duty and Medal of Honor games - Seriously...World War 2 is getting old, find something new to base your games off of. The only CoD game I ever REALLY enjoyed was CoD 4 online, I did have fun with that one because the modern warfare settings was interesting.