Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
I remember watching them get reduced to $20 when Wal-Mart still had a large inventory. A few months later I saw one or two on the clearance shelf for $5. Every now and then something might pop up at a large retailer years after it has been discontinued. I got my Atari 2600 paddle controllers in the mid '90s off a K-Mart clearance shelf for $1.

Dying video game systems can be bargains. I bought duke Nukem 3-D and Quake II for the Saturn for $5 each, they still had a valid $10 rebate coupon, which I never sent in. Toys 'R Us sold the NES Advantage for $5 and most NES games for around the same price when the NES finally died out. I recall seeing an ad for a new Atari Jaguar with two controllers and ten games for around $50 in the late '90s, and faintly recall similar deals on the Turbografx and other systems back in the day. Part of the reason I bought my Dreamcast instead of a PS2 was the fact that I got the system, keyboard, ten or twelve, VMUs, extra controllers, and a Game Shark for the same price as a used PS2. IIRC, the Sega Genesis 3 was sold for $20 during the last days of 16-bit systems.

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