Living in a crappy apartment when I a was young kid and trying to stay awake playing Duck Hunt with my mom, and when I woke up she had played the game to where the levels where using letters for numbers. Some of my favorite games were Adventure Island 3, Legend of Zelda, Pinball, Ice Hockey, Super Mario Brothers 3, Double Dragons, and The Adventures of Lolo.

One of the coolest things my parents did for me was get me a Genesis. Probably only had eight or nine games which was a small collection compared to what I had for the NES. Sonic, Street Fighter II, and X-Men II really dominated my television. Also, my parents bought me one of those car charges so I could play Game Gear while my parents took long trips.

I remember when my mom and I begged my dad to pick u pa Nintendo 64. 3D video games blew my mind. In retrospect, I think my dad was gauging what kind of person I was growing up into when he asked me what I wanted for my birthday, the limited edition of Goldeneye 64 (which was conveniently being released around my birthday) or going to see a Colts vs Packers game with my dad who just so happened to love both teams. You could guess I chose the former without much reluctance, and I was ecstatic to play my first FPS game. I think the same situation came up on another birthday or Christmas when I received Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. I think OoT was the first game I played more than ten times over and spent many hours afterschool with then intent of what I considered to be 100% completion.

I got a Playstation around the same time Final Fantasy VII was released. The PS and games on CD was an abstract concept, and there weren't many games I found as interesting. I rented FFVII so many times that I probably spent more on renting that the cost of purchasing the game. Also the start of my undying affliction for RPGs, specifically the FF series, and planned savings (like or unlike KT) of $5/week allowances.

Buying a PS2 with money I actually worked for was also a thrilling moment of my life. Buying a PS3 in December was also exciting. I now own 25 games for the PS3, but my pals back on the ship play it more than me. Sorry, but I really felt like recapping my extensive history of consoles and video games.