Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous D View Post
I know alot about guns and 5.0 Mustangs.

I like to learn alot about WWII history, and Ive been learning alot about that lately.
Anon: I actually found out that the M1 Thompson actually did have an aperture sight instead of a rear sight today. I thought aperture's weren't used in WWII, but I was wrong. I also love to read about Vietnam and the weapons of the era.

Mr E, I'd LOVE to talk with you about Swamp Thing one day. I don't know anything, but I'd love to learn more. The only comic I've ever read with Swamp Thing in it was John Constantine's 40th Birthday where he showed up and made one of John's friend's pot plants sprout like a fern.

Also: It needn't be only nerdfare. Just anything you geek out over. Except religion or politics. Let's keep AI in AI.