I was not raised in any religion or church. My father's side is Roman Catholic, but he was excommunicated for his divorce from his first marriage. My grandmother attempted to get me to go on occasion, but I didn't see her enough to get rooted into the Catholic church.

My mother went to church as a child, but she hadn't gone in fifteen years when I had been born.

When I was fourteen(nearly fifteen), I was just bored one Sunday and started going to church. I haven't turned back since.

For me, I feel like I'm lucky I wasn't raised in the church. I see a bunch of kids that were...and they're just so sheltered. Making my own choice of religion and beliefs allowed me to experience what was in the world without being thrown into it after high school. I mean, I know a seventeen year old kid that still doesn't know what a blowjob is.

Also, making my own choice in this matter allowed me to question the church's beliefs. I've never been one that just accepted what I was told as truth. I'm an inquiring mind. I research and choose what I believe in. I don't agree with my church in everything...nor its members...hence why I swear...a lot.

Overall, it's made me a better person. As a kid I had a basic idea of what was wrong and right when it came to "God's law"...and I'd chastise others for breaking it. Now I've finally learned that although your beliefs may not be similar to mine and you may do things that I frown down upon, I should love you as a person. The beliefs of a person should not dictate whether or not I like them. If you're Islamic, I'll still love you as a person...even though I don't support what you believe in.

Now, someone might bring up that I throw my "religion" into their face on here...but I don't do it to be hurtful. I do it as a gimmick...sort of like a wrestler. It's just my way of posting. (I am pissed that someone made a gimmick account(Tidus the Almighty) to steal my own gimmick.)