My mother's side of the family is Roman Catholic and I believe my father's side is Baptist but he doesn't really practice anything and I would consider him agnostic at best. From early childhood, I went with my mother to the Catholic Church and pretty much went to every mass from age 4 to 12/13. None of the teachings really stuck with me and I always found myself bored by the same rituals practiced over and over again. By the time I hit high school, my boredom lead me to wonder why there were so many divisions in the Christian faith. My curiosity then spread to why there were so many religions to begin with and I began studying the histories of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the ancient mythologies of the world. From all of that, I came to the conclusion that such belief and faith in a higher being really wasn't my thing and I consider myself atheist but with a spiritual sense of the world. I also like to think I'm more tolerant of other faiths than most people who were raised in a particular faith by a hardcore parent(or parents).