Quote Originally Posted by Syme View Post
If you trust this guy not to cheat in general, you can probably trust him not to cheat with a stripper. Point out to your friend that you would only have reason to worry if you thought this boyfriend was so unfaithful that he wouldn't be able to say no to getting his dick pulled for $20 in a titty bar's private room. Assuming your boyfriend is not that kind of guy, you have nothing to worry about.

I'm not a big strip club patron, but... by the same logic (sorta), why do people go to bars when they could buy beer at the supermarket for much cheaper? The point of strip clubs isn't just to get the maximum amount of sexual entertainment for the minimum amount of money.
I don't go to bars to drink unless I'm wanting to meet someone new.... I usually just buy my cases and go home. But I mean, I've met a good number of strippers in my life and only one of them could have possibly gotten my dong if I were so inclined(then again I guess Nashville has shitty strippers).