Let me start off by saying that the Punisher Warzone was my favorite Punisher series and, even as a die hard fan, this movie impressed me. Its a shoot 'em up, testosterone packed gorefest and really, I wouldn't have it any other way. I had my doubts about the Punisher being played by a brit, but Ray Stevenson delivered. He brought the gritty, bloody anti-hero to life with, in my humble opinion, great success.

My biggest beef with this movie was the role of Pitsy, who, in the comic, was a nearly unstoppable freakshow who held his own against Frank Castle. The role of freakshow in this movie was Loonybin Jim, the brother of Jigsaw. I gotta say, the art of psychopath acting was kicked up several notches thanks to Heth Leger in the Dark Knight, but Douglas Anthony "Doug" Hutchison was fantastic.

So yeah, I recommend this movie big time.