Quote Originally Posted by gwahir View Post
okay i'm not going to call anyone a fucking retard because i tend to avoid overreacting that way but let me just make it clear:

castle's point is (rightly) that judge dredd is as much of a superhero as batman. this is nothing about comic book movies. pepsi said that his favourite was dark knight, which is only a superhero movie if judge dredd is.

personally, i'd disqualify batman and judge dredd and all similar characters from the title of "superhero", if we're going to be technical and pedantic, but in a list like this (especially since such characters are often found alongside superheroes; such as the many stories that have batman and superman side-by-side) i would say that both of them are acceptable

bottom line: judge dredd's describability as a superhero is the same as batman's; hence, either they both qualify or both do not.
Superhero movie these days is synonymous with comic book movies, with a few awful exceptions.

also batman is cool